Category Archives: Dracula features

Co-director Christopher Henley’s fascination with the Prince of Darkness

Christopher Henley, 2014

A human’s knowledge of impending death has always triggered a fascination with the concept of immortality or eternal youth. The legend of the vampire is potent in that it associates immortality with the loss of the essence of one’s humanity. Continue reading Co-director Christopher Henley’s fascination with the Prince of Darkness

Visiting the home of a grisly murder prepared Joe Brack for Dracula play

Joe Brack plays Jack Klaxon in Dracula . A Love Story

In 2001, a young actor performing in Bratislava, Slovakia accompanied a classmate on a clandestine visit to a garden – the garden of Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, the butcher of Bratislava. Between 1602 and 1604 she tortured and murdered at least thirty-seven – and perhaps over a hundred – young women, beating, starving and freezing them and in some instances hacking off parts of their bodies. Continue reading Visiting the home of a grisly murder prepared Joe Brack for Dracula play

Dracula co-directors are juggling performing, directing and their young family

Jay Hardee and Christopher Henley, co-directors of Dracula . A Love Story (Photo: Teresa Wood)

Theatre is a collaborative art form. Even though it is unusual, or, at least, not the norm, for a production to have two directors, it is, in some ways, a model that is representative of the qualities necessary for successful theatre — the balancing of distinct perspectives with a clear sense of authority (or, at least, from whom the final word will come).
Continue reading Dracula co-directors are juggling performing, directing and their young family

From Romney to Dracula: DC Actor Lee Ordeman finds himself at home playing the most extraordinary characters

Lee Ordeman plays Dracula in Dracula . A Love Story

Two years ago, Lee Ordeman played Mitt Romney at several dates in the Washington-Baltimore area. He was a natural: Ordeman, the son of a Marine, imitated the ramrod-straight Romney effortlessly. “One of the Barack Obamas told me that I was the best Mitt he had worked with,” Ordeman said. “It sounded weird when he said it.” Continue reading From Romney to Dracula: DC Actor Lee Ordeman finds himself at home playing the most extraordinary characters